We Need Judges to Evaluate the Clark County Fair Beer and Wine Entries!

We need YOU to help Judge the Beer and Wine!

The Clark County Fair Beer and Wine exhibition does not happen without a large number of judges.  We will need about 30 dedicated beer and wine lovers to judge!

We will judge the beer on Monday, July 29th, from 6 pm to about 9 pm at 54-40 in Washougal.  We will judge the wine on Wednesday, July 31st, from 6 pm to 9 pm at Bader Beer & Wine Supply.

Judging both the beer and the wine is fun and highly educational!  Here is how it works.  We have judges arrive about 5:45.  Shortly after the judges arrive, we go through a short training session, explaining the process and how to fill in the score sheet. 

Then we assign everyone to teams of 2-3 judges, with typically at least one judge that is experienced, and can help the team through the judging process.   Each team is then assigned a table to work at, and over the course of the next 2.5 to 3 hours each team will open the bottles, smell, taste, and then fill out the score sheets for about 10 to 12 different entries.

We will provide judges with score sheets, pens and pencils, tables and chairs, judging glasses, water, etc.   You just need to show up!  

For more information call us at the store, 360-750-1551, or email info@baderbrewing.com

If you want to volunteer to judge for one or both of these events, please call us at the store, or send and email to info@baderbrewing.com

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